Here at Joobbani Dental Designs, your health and well-being are always our top priority. While many safeguards, infection control and sterilization policies have always been part of our practice, we have implemented several additional precautions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These precautions follow CDC guidelines for dental offices and the Maryland Department of Health requirements.
COVID-19, Health, Infection Control & Safety
As required by the Maryland Department of Health, we have posted our certification of compliance:
Please Call Our Team If You:
Experience recent symptoms of:
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Have a fever of 100 or more degrees Fahrenheit
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Headaches
- Sore throat
- Sudden or recent loss of taste or smell
Please also contact us if you have contact with anyone exhibiting these symptoms or have had close contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 or another serious illness. Our team will be happy to help you reschedule your appointment.
You may notice the following when you arrive for your appointment:
- Only patients are allowed inside our office, though minors may be accompanied by one parent or guardian.
- Any companions who arrive with you will need to wait in the car or outside our office in the lobby area.
- You must wear a mask before being allowed into our office.
- Masks will be worn at all times except when you are instructed to remove them for treatment or examinations.
- Your temperature will be taken upon arrival.
- Our dentists and team have their temperatures taken daily.
- Our rooms are cleaned and disinfected with medical-grade products prior to you entering.
- Each member of our team wears CDC-approved PPE (personal protective equipment).
- Frequent handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer is required for all employees.
- We disinfect and sanitize all clinical and nonclinical areas rigorously.
- Multiple HEPA-grade air filters are employed throughout the practice to clean the air.
- High evacuation suction is used during your appointment to remove aerosols and reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses.
- All instruments and equipment used during your care are sterilized and disinfected to CDC specifications. The sterilization process is rigorous and includes dry heat sterilization (autoclave) as well as chemical sterilization.
- Every item used is opened fresh from a sterilized packet or is a brand-new disposable item.
For more information about our sterilization and infection control policies, or to make an appointment with our dentists in Columbia, Maryland, Dr. Babak Joobbani or Dr. Jennifer Joobbani, please contact our office at 410-872-3999.